Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitsubishi Datasheet > Mitsubishi-172

5E3-XXXSS M5M467800BTP-5 M38039FB-XXXFP M5M27C202JK-12I M38506F3H-XXXSS M38865MAA-XXXHP M38503M5-XXXSS M38227E9DGP FU-68PDF-V510M145B M38224M6-XXXGP M38869F7A-XXXHP M38255MAMXXXFP M38864F9AFS M38227M9HXXXFP M38002M4DXXXFP M2V64S30BTP-6 M38B75MEH-XXXFP M38250E6-FS M38C29M2DXXXFP T

Mitsubishi Datalehti Catalog-172

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
M38C25M9DXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38505E3-XXXSS MitsubishiRAM size768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M5M467800BTP-5 MitsubishiFast page mode 67108864-bit dynamic DRAM
M38039FB-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 3804bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M5M27C202JK-12I Mitsubishi131072-word by 16-bit CMOS erasable and electrically reprogrammable ROM, 120ns
M38506F3H-XXXSS MitsubishiRAM size896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38865MAA-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 768bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38503M5-XXXSS MitsubishiRAM size512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M38227E9DGP MitsubishiRAM size 1024 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FU-68PDF-V510M145B Mitsubishi1.58m DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38224M6-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38869F7A-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 2048bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38255MAMXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38864F9AFS MitsubishiRAM size 640bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38227M9HXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 1024 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38002M4DXXXFP MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit microcfomputer. Mask ROM version. ROM 16384 bytes, RAM 384 bytes
M2V64S30BTP-6 Mitsubishi64M synchronous DRAM
M38B75MEH-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38250E6-FS MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C29M2DXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size2048 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
TM55EZ-24 Mitsubishi55A - transistor module for medium power general use, insulated type
M38061E2DXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C24FC-FP MitsubishiRAM size640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38220M5MXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38060EDAXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 192bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
MH8S64BBKG-8 Mitsubishi536870912-bit (8388608-word by 64-bit) synchronous DRAM
M38B52M8-XXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 384 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C25FDDFP MitsubishiRAM size768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C22F1-FP MitsubishiRAM size384 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38182MB-XXXFS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 45056 ROM, 384 RAM (XXX-ROM number)

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