Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitsubishi Datasheet > Mitsubishi-165

4-FS M38046M3-XXXHP M38074MF-XXXFP M38073M1-XXXFP M38043M5-XXXHP M38220M3DXXXFP M38062EFAXXXFP M37510M5XXXFP M38060M3AXXXGP M38C20MCDXXXFP M38031FE-XXXSP MF3129-J8CATXX M38259E3MHP FS3UM-14A M67706U M38B55ED-XXXFP M37212EFSP MF-2500DS-R14-201 M38506EDH-SS M38224MBDXXXFP M38500FBH

Mitsubishi Datalehti Catalog-165

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
M35070-XXXFP MitsubishiScreen character and pattern display controller
M38225E4-FS MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38046M3-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38074MF-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 640bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38073M1-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38043M5-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38220M3DXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38062EFAXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M37510M5XXXFP MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38060M3AXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 192bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C20MCDXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38031FE-XXXSP MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
MF3129-J8CATXX Mitsubishi8/16-bit data bus static RAM card
M38259E3MHP MitsubishiRAM size 2048 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FS3UM-14A Mitsubishi3A power mosfet for high-speed switching use
M67706U Mitsubishi806-870MHz, 7.5V, 4W FM portable radio
M38B55ED-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M37212EFSP MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcfomputer for voltage synthesizer with on-screen display controller. ROM 62K bytes RAM 1280K bytes
MF-2500DS-R14-201 MitsubishiSone/SDH receiver
M38506EDH-SS MitsubishiRAM size896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38224MBDXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38500FBH-XXXSP MitsubishiRAM size192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38C25F1DFP MitsubishiRAM size768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38250E3MHP MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38256MC-XXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38203M2DXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FS30VS-2 Mitsubishi30A power mosfet for high-speed switching use
M38065ED-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 768bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38066MEDXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38863E4A-FS MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer

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