Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > ROHM Datasheet > ROHM-47

L-010VT LB-203DB BA7649A BA7181FS FMS3 LA-601DL FMA11 DTA144TCA BA51W12SAT 2SB1182 DTC314TU DTC323TK RPR-220 LB-402VP 2SD2144S RB501V-40 BA6266F BA3835S UDZ7.5B 2SD1859 BA336 BA6398FP BH3857AFV IMT17 BA3906 DTC125TSA DTA124XKA BA3822LS

ROHM Datalehti Catalog-47

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
BA6840BFS ROHM3-phase motor driver for CD-ROM/RW, DVD-ROM/PLAYER
2SK3065 ROHMN-channel MOSFET small switching transistor
SML-010VT ROHMChip (red) LED with reflector
LB-203DB ROHMHigh efficiency, three-digit numeric display
BA7649A ROHMVideo signal switcher
BA7181FS ROHM2-channel PRE/REC amplifier with auto-tracing interface
FMS3 ROHMDual transistor, general purpose
LA-601DL ROHMHigh efficiency, single-digit numeric display
FMA11 ROHMDual digital PNP transistor, emitter common
DTA144TCA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistor)
BA51W12SAT ROHMDual output voltage regulator with power saving
2SB1182 ROHMPNP silicon medium power transistor
DTC314TU ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistor)
DTC323TK ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistor)
RPR-220 ROHMReflective photosensor (photoreflector)
LB-402VP ROHMHigh efficiency, two-digit numeric display
2SD2144S ROHMNPN silicon high-current gain medium power transistor
RB501V-40 ROHMSchottky barrier diode
BA6266F ROHM6-channel inverter
BA3835S ROHMBand-pass filter for spectrum analyzer
UDZ7.5B ROHMZener diode
2SD1859 ROHMNPN transistor for medium power amplifier, 80V 0.7A
BA336 ROHMMute detector IC
BA6398FP ROHM4-channel BTL driver for CD player
BH3857AFV ROHMAudio sound controller
IMT17 ROHMDual transistor, general purpose
BA3906 ROHMstandard voltage power supply
DTC125TSA ROHMDigital NPN transistor (with resistors)
DTA124XKA ROHMDigital PNP transistor (with resistors)
BA3822LS ROHM5-channel stereo graphic equalizer

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