Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > QuickLogic Datasheet > QuickLogic-7

0-8PV100M QL7180-6PT208C QL4090-2PQ208M QL3012-1PL84C QL7180-7PS484M QL4090-0PQ240C QL3012-1PF144I QL8250-8PQ208C QL4058-1PQ208C QL8325-7PQ208C QL2005-1PQ208I QL82SD-5PS484I QL6325-6PS516I QL4016-4CF100C QL3060-0PQ208C QL7100-7PT280C QL12X16B-0PF100I QL4036-0CG144M QL3012-2PF100M

QuickLogic Datalehti Catalog-7

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
QL3004E-0PL84I QuickLogic4,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL8050-8PV100M QuickLogicLow power FPGA combining performance, density, embedded RAM.
QL7180-6PT208C QuickLogicCombining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL4090-2PQ208M QuickLogic90,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM combining performance, density and embedded RAM. 25,344 RAM bits.
QL3012-1PL84C QuickLogic12,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL7180-7PS484M QuickLogicCombining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL4090-0PQ240C QuickLogic90,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM ESP combining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL3012-1PF144I QuickLogic12,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL8250-8PQ208C QuickLogicLow power FPGA combining performance, density, embedded RAM.
QL4058-1PQ208C QuickLogic58,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM ESP combining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL8325-7PQ208C QuickLogicLow power FPGA combining performance, density, embedded RAM.
QL2005-1PQ208I QuickLogic3.3V and 5.0V pASIC 2 FPGA combining speed, density, low cost and flexibility.
QL82SD-5PS484I QuickLogicLVDS SERDES, flexible programmable logic, dual port SRAM.
QL6325-6PS516I QuickLogicCombining performance,density, and embedded RAM.
QL4016-4CF100C QuickLogic16,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM ESP combining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL3060-0PQ208C QuickLogic60,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL7100-7PT280C QuickLogicCombining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL12X16B-0PF100I QuickLogicVery-high-speed CMOS FPGA, pASIC1 family.
QL4036-0CG144M QuickLogic90,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM combining performance, density and embedded RAM. 16,128 RAM bits.
QL3012-2PF100M QuickLogic12,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL3040-0PB456C QuickLogic40,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL4016-0PL84M QuickLogic90,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM combining performance, density and embedded RAM. 11,520 RAM bits.
QL6325-7PT280C QuickLogicCombining performance,density, and embedded RAM.
QL6600-4PT280M QuickLogicCombining performance,density, and embedded RAM.
QL2003-2PL84C QuickLogic3.3V and 5.0V pASIC2 FPGA combining speed, density, low cost and flexibility.
QL4016-1PF144C QuickLogic16,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM ESP combining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL4016-0PF100M QuickLogic16,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM ESP combining performance, density and embedded RAM.
QL3060-4PQ208C QuickLogic60,000 usable PLD gate pASIC 3 FPGA combining high performance and high density.
QL4016-1CF100M QuickLogic90,000 usable PLD gate QuickRAM combining performance, density and embedded RAM. 11,520 RAM bits.
QL12X16B-2PL68I QuickLogicVery-high-speed CMOS FPGA, pASIC1 family.

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