Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitsubishi Datasheet > Mitsubishi-203

DXXXGP M38180M3-XXXFS M38042F8-FP M38066M7-XXXGP M38254MFMXXXHP M38501M4-XXXSP M38181M5-XXXFS M5M51016RT-12VL M38255E3MFS M38868M3A-XXXGP M38030FC-XXXHP M37471E8-XXXSP M38204E2-XXXFS M38223E9HGP M38221M8HXXXFP M38223M9MXXXHP M38221E9MFS M38259E2MGP M38202E4DXXXHP M38185E7-FS MF83

Mitsubishi Datalehti Catalog-203

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
CM600HA-12H Mitsubishi600 Amp IGBT module for high power switching use insulated type
M38200M4DXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 192 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38180M3-XXXFS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 12288 ROM, 192 RAM (XXX-ROM number)
M38042F8-FP MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38066M7-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38254MFMXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38501M4-XXXSP MitsubishiRAM size256 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M38181M5-XXXFS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 20480 ROM, 256 RAM (XXX-ROM number)
M5M51016RT-12VL Mitsubishi1048576-bit (65536-word by 16-bit) CMOS static RAM
M38255E3MFS MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38868M3A-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 1536bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38030FC-XXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 192bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M37471E8-XXXSP MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer. ROM 16384 bytes, RAM 384 bytes, EPROM mode
M38204E2-XXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38223E9HGP MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38221M8HXXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 256 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38223M9MXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38221E9MFS MitsubishiRAM size 256 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38259E2MGP MitsubishiRAM size 2048 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38202E4DXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 384 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38185E7-FS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 28672 PROM, 768 RAM
MF832M1-GMCAVXX Mitsubishi8/16-bit data bus flash memory version
FU-68PDF-520M95B MitsubishiWavelength1563nm DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38257MCDXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 1024 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38504M2-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M38064MA-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 640bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M5M51R16AWG-10L Mitsubishi1048576-bit (65536-word by 16-bit) CMOS static SRAM
FU-68PDF-510M40B Mitsubishi1.55m DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38182M5-XXXFP MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 20480 ROM, 384 RAM (XXX-ROM number)
M38039F6-HP MitsubishiRAM size 2048bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer

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