Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Mitsubishi Datasheet > Mitsubishi-107

BTP-85LW M5M5256DRV-70XL-W FU-68PDF-V510M160B M38223E6-GP M38255MDDXXXHP M38221MBMXXXHP M38866E5AFS M5M5V816WG-10HI M38067M7DXXXFS M38226E4MHP FU-68PDF-510M62B M38256MCMXXXGP M38505E9-XXXSS M38862FDAFS M38224E9DGP M38063MFAXXXFS M38061M2-XXXGP M38201E8DXXXHP M38222M8HXXXFS M38191

Mitsubishi Datalehti Catalog-107

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
M38224E9MFS MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M5M5V416BTP-85LW Mitsubishi4194304-bit (262144-word by 16-bit) CMOS static RAM
M5M5256DRV-70XL-W Mitsubishi262144-bit (32768-word by 8-bit) CMOS static RAM
FU-68PDF-V510M160B Mitsubishi1.58m DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38223E6-GP MitsubishiRAM size 512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38255MDDXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38221MBMXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 256 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38866E5AFS MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M5M5V816WG-10HI Mitsubishi8388608-bit (524288-word by 16-bit) CMOS static RAM
M38067M7DXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 1024bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38226E4MHP MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FU-68PDF-510M62B Mitsubishi1.55m DFB-LD module with polarization maintaining fiber pigtail
M38256MCMXXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 896 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38505E9-XXXSS MitsubishiRAM size768 bytes; single-chip 8-bit microcomputer
M38862FDAFS MitsubishiRAM size 384bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38224E9DGP MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38063MFAXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 512bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38061M2-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38201E8DXXXHP MitsubishiRAM size 256 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38222M8HXXXFS MitsubishiRAM size 384 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38191M4-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 256bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
MH32S72AVJA-6 Mitsubishi2,415,919,104-bit (33554432-word by 72-bit) synchronous dynamic RAM
M38254E1-FP MitsubishiRAM size 640 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38066M5-XXXGP MitsubishiRAM size 896bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38040FB-XXXFP MitsubishiRAM size 192bytes single chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
M38187MD-XXXFS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 53248 ROM, 1024 RAM (XXX-ROM number)
M38257E5-GP MitsubishiRAM size 1024 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer
FU-68SDF-V802M207B Mitsubishi1.58m DFB-LD module with singlemode fiber pigtail
M38187EA-FS MitsubishiSingle-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer, 40960 PROM, 1024 RAM
M38503E4H-SS MitsubishiRAM size512 bytes; single-chip 8-bit CMOS microcomputer

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