TC820CLW Samanlaisia

  • TC820CKW
    • 3-3/4 digit A/D converter with frequency counter and logic probe
  • TC820CLW
    • 3-3/4 digit A/D converter with frequency counter and logic probe
  • TC820CPL
    • 3-3/4 digit A/D converter with frequency counter and logic probe

TC820CLW Datasheet ja Spec

Valmistaja : Microchip 

Pakkauspäivämäärä : PLCC 

Pins : 44 

Lämpötila : Min 0 °C | Max 70 °C

Koko : 677 KB

Hakemus : 3-3/4 digit A/D converter with frequency counter and logic probe 

TC820CLW PDF Lataa