Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > Infineon Datasheet > Infineon-107

MQ SFH620A-1 BAT15-103S SFH6286-2 SLA24C08-S-3/P BAS16 LGR971-KO BXY42BA-S LO5411-RU KT210 BFR182W LRZ188-CO BSS79C HYS64V4200GU-8B LD262 SFH225FA LYT776-PS LG5460-HL BUZ101 SAB-C501G-L40M HYB3164405AT-50 BC856BW SAF-C501G-1E24N HYB39S16400BT-8 SMBTA13 SFH615A-2 BTS712N1 LS5380-G

Infineon Datalehti Catalog-107

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
SLA24C16-S-3 Infineon16 Kbit (2048 x 8bit) Serial CMOS-EEPROM with I2C Synchronous 2-wire bus
LS5420-MQ Infineon5mm super-red LED
SFH620A-1 InfineonOptocoupler high reliability, isolation 5300V
BAT15-103S InfineonHiRel Silicon schottky diode
SFH6286-2 InfineonOptocoupler high reliability, isolation 5300V
SLA24C08-S-3/P Infineon8 Kbit (1024 x 8bit) Serial CMOS-EEPROM with I2C Synchronous 2-wire bus and page protection mode
BAS16 InfineonSilicon switching diode
LGR971-KO InfineonGreen CHIPLED
BXY42BA-S InfineonSilicon PIN diode
LO5411-RU Infineon5mm orange LED
KT210 InfineonSilicon spreading resistance temperature sensor
BFR182W InfineonNPN silicon RF transistor
LRZ188-CO InfineonRed 2mm array LED
BSS79C InfineonNPN silicon switching transistor
HYS64V4200GU-8B Infineon100 MHz 4M x 64 1 bank SDRAM module
LD262 InfineonGaAs infrared emitter array
SFH225FA InfineonSilicon PIN photodiode with daylight filter
LYT776-PS InfineonYellow TOPLED
LG5460-HL Infineon5mm green LED
BUZ101 InfineonN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
SAB-C501G-L40M Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller for external memory (40 MHz)
HYB3164405AT-50 Infineon16M x 4bit DRAM
BC856BW InfineonPNP silicon AF transistor
SAF-C501G-1E24N Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller with OTP memory (24 MHz)
HYB39S16400BT-8 Infineon16Mbit Synchronous DRAM
SMBTA13 InfineonNPN silicon darlington transistor
SFH615A-2 InfineonOptocoupler high reliability, isolation 5300V
BTS712N1 InfineonSmart 4-channel highside power switch
LS5380-G Infineon5mm super-red LED
SAB80C515A-M18-T3 Infineon8-bit CMOS microcontroller for external memory, 18 MHz
