Path:okDatasheet > Semiconductor Datasheet > AZ Displays Datasheet > AZ Displays-201


AZ Displays Datalehti Catalog-201

Osa EiValmistajaHakemus
ACM2002E-RLTW-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 20characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; liquid crystal display
ACM2402B-NEFS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 24characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
AGM3224E-ME-YBS-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 320 x 240dots; dot size0.27 x 0.27mm; dot pitch0.30 x 0.30mm; AZ display
ACM4001A-REFS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 40characters x 1lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.70x0.75mm; AZ display
AGM1532A-NEYTW-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 5.0mA; dot size0.50 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.55 x 0.60mm; AZ display
ACM2002R-RLYH-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 20characters x 2lines; dot size1.12x1.12mm; dot pitch1.22x1.22mm; liquid crystal display
ACM1602K-NLBS-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.56x0.61mm; liquid crystal display
ACM1602S-NLGD-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size1.05x1.20mm; liquid crystal display
AGM1212D-NEYTS-T AZ Displays0.0-7.0V; Dots 128x128dots; dot size0.50x0.50mm; dot pitch0.55x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM1601B-FEBS-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 1lines; dot size0.55x0.75mm; AZ display
AGM6448F-FC-FBW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.0V; number of dots 640 x 480dots; dot size0.17 x 0.17mm; dot pitch0.19 x 0.19mm; AZ display
AGM3224E-ML-GBD-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 320 x 240dots; dot size0.27 x 0.27mm; dot pitch0.30 x 0.30mm; AZ display
AGM2464D-FL-BBD-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 240 x 64dots; dot size0.49 x 0.49mm; dot pitch0.53 x 0.53mm; AZ display
ACM1604C-RLFS-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 4lines; dot size0.55x0.55mm; dot pitch0.60x0.60mm; liquid crystal display
ACM2004C-NEYW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 20characters x 4lines; dot size0.55x0.55mm; dot pitch0.60x0.60mm; AZ display
AGM1212B-REFTH-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; Dots 128x128dots; dot size0.32x0.32mm; dot pitch0.35x0.35mm; AZ display
AGM1232C-RLFBH-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 2.8mA; 20characters; Dots 122x32dots; dot size0.40x0.45mm; dot pitch0.44x0.49mm; AZ display
AGM1232F-RLFBW-T AZ Displays0.0-5.5V; 0.6mA; 18characters x 2lines; dot size0.36 x 0.41mm; dot pitch0.40 x 0.45mm; AZ display
AGM2464D-RL-GBH-T AZ Displays0.3-7.0V; number of dots 240 x 64dots; dot size0.49 x 0.49mm; dot pitch0.53 x 0.53mm; AZ display
AGM1532A-MLFBT-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; 5.0mA; dot size0.50 x 0.55mm; dot pitch0.55 x 0.60mm; AZ display
ACM2402B-FLFW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 24characters x 2lines; dot size0.60x0.65mm; dot pitch0.65x0.70mm; AZ display
AGM3224H-NC-BBH-T AZ Displays0.3-6.5V; number of dots 320 x 240dots; dot size0.285 x 0.285mm; dot pitch0.30 x 0.30mm; AZ display
ACM1602W-FEYD-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM2004G-RLGW-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 20characters x 4lines; dot size0.55x0.55mm; dot pitch0.60x0.60mm; liquid crystal display
AGM2412C-FLYTH-T AZ Displays0.3-5.5V; number of dots 240 x 128dots; dot size0.42 x 0.42mm; dot pitch0.45 x 0.45mm; AZ display
ACM1601H-RLTW-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.92x1.10mm; liquid crystal display
ACM1602K-RLGD-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.56x0.61mm; liquid crystal display
ACM2002P-RLTH-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 20characters x 2lines; dot size1.12x1.12mm; dot pitch1.22x1.22mm; AZ display
ACM1602W-RLFW-T AZ Displays0.0-6.5V; 5x7dots with cursor; 16characters x 2lines; dot size0.50x0.55mm; AZ display
ACM2002R-RLTS-T AZ Displays2.7-5.5V; 20characters x 2lines; dot size1.12x1.12mm; dot pitch1.22x1.22mm; liquid crystal display

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